Orthodontic treatment plays a crucial role in aligning teeth and jaws, addressing various concerns that can impact both aesthetics and functionality.

When Would I Need Orthodontic Treatment?

Orthodontic treatment becomes necessary when there are issues with the alignment of your teeth or the positioning of your jaws. Common reasons for seeking orthodontic care include crowded teeth, gaps between teeth, overbites, underbites and crossbites. These issues can arise due to genetic factors, childhood habits like thumb sucking or the loss of primary teeth prematurely. Additionally orthodontic treatment may be recommended to address problems with jaw growth and development, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.

What to Expect During Orthodontic Treatment

When you embark on your orthodontic journey with us, you can expect personalized care tailored to your unique needs. The first step typically involves a comprehensive examination, including X-rays and impressions of your teeth, to assess the extent of misalignment and plan your treatment. Our dentist will determine the right type of orthodontic appliance according to your treatment needs. We offer the following orthodontic treatments:

Throughout your treatment, regular visits to our office will be necessary for adjustments and progress checks. While the duration of treatment varies from patient to patient, it is essential to follow your orthodontist’s recommendations diligently to achieve optimal results. You may experience some discomfort or soreness initially as your teeth adjust to the pressure exerted by your orthodontic appliance, but this typically subsides over time.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

While achieving a straighter smile can boost your confidence and self-esteem, properly aligned teeth also contribute to better oral health. By correcting misalignments orthodontic treatment can make it easier to maintain good oral hygiene, reducing the risk of tooth decay, gum disease and other dental problems.

Furthermore, addressing issues with bite alignment can alleviate strain on the jaw joints and muscles, potentially reducing the risk of temporomandibular joint disorders and associated discomfort. Improved bite function can also enhance your ability to chew food properly, promoting better digestion and overall wellbeing. In addition to the physical benefits orthodontic treatment can have a positive impact on your self-esteem.

At Aesthetics & Essentials Dental Group, we are committed to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams through personalized orthodontic care in Mountain View, California. Contact us today at 650-623-0003 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Golgoun Habibi.