At Aesthetics & Essentials Dental Group, we are dedicated to improving and maintaining your optimal oral health through dental cleanings and checkups.

When Would I Need Dental Cleanings and Exams?

Dental cleanings and exams are not just reserved for specific moments but serve as the cornerstone of preventive dental care for individuals of all ages. The regularity of these appointments ensure a steadfast shield against the adversaries of oral health by allowing our dentist to detect and address oral concerns before they become more detrimental problems. We advise coming to see Dr. Golgoun Habibi twice a year or every six months.

What to Expect

During your dental cleaning and exam, our skilled dental hygienist will meticulously remove plaque and tartar from your teeth and gum line using specialized tools. Following the cleaning, our dentist will conduct a comprehensive examination of your oral cavity, checking for signs of decay, gum disease oral cancer and other dental problems. X-rays may also be taken to assess the health of your teeth and jawbone.

Benefits of Dental Cleanings and Exams

Through meticulous care and attention, our team detects early signs of oral health issues including gum disease. We can also help address halitosis or bad breath and prevent costlier treatments down the road by helping you maintain your natural smile. We invite you to schedule your next dental cleaning and exam in Mountain View, California, by calling 650-623-0003 and let us help you take care of your smile.